Now this look I am going to put a huge fat CAUTION warning sign! dear readers: in no way imaginable am I encouraging the over use of bronzer, abusing powder, looking like a jersey shore cast member or resembling an orange. Thank you and please wear responsibly.
Alright (breathe) now onto the look :)
Now Bronzer can be tricky but with these helpful tips hopefully you will have some clarity.
I think that this picture of Hilary Duff, fully captures the look M.A.C was going for and I actually for once don't think M.A.C went over the top!
What you need to remember with bronzer is stick to the browns, if your buying a bronzer and it looks orange, most likely thats exactly how it is going to look on your skin, so stick to shades of brown.
I recommend Rimmel London Natural Bronzer (sold at most stores where Rimmel Makeup is sold.)
Now to choose a shade, go with wear you find your natural skin color for cover up. So likely if your fair you will grab the cover up on the far left side of the makeup wall, and if your darker skinned you would go far right. Stick to the shade that suites your skin not something that would make you look like you have a dirty face!
Now the way to apply it is to do a tiny bit all over your face (please blend well and into your neck!), concentrating on the apples of your cheeks brushing up towards temples. This is really supposed to replace blush but just keep it light. Add a little bronze colored eye shadow to complete the look (don't go heavy on the mascara and liner for this one). Now you can choose to add some color to your lip or just throw on lip balm. For color wise I would add ( and I hate to say it cause it is too 80's) but a dusty rose thats a hint of orange ( not super orange) its more of a warm dusty rose :) Happy Bronzing!